Easy way to install a Ghost Blog on Portainer

Tested a few options on how to install a Ghost blog from Ubuntu Server, to an LXC to Oracle free tier. This youtube video had a simple way on Portainer.

Basically he used this from Big Bear Scripts

version: "3" # Use Docker Compose version 3

image: ghost:5.79.0-alpine # Use the Ghost Docker image
restart: on-failure # Restart the container on failure
- database__client=mysql # Set Ghost's database client to MySQL
- database__connection__host=db # Set the database host to the "db" service
- database__connection__user=ghost # Set the database user
- database__connection__password=portainer # Set the database password
- database__connection__database=ghost # Set the database name
- url=http://[YOUR_IP]:2368 # Set the base URL for the Ghost application
- ghost-content:/var/lib/ghost/content # Mount a volume for persistent content storage
- "2368:2368" # Map port 2368 from the host to port 2368 in the container
- db # Ensure that the "db" service is started before the "app" service

image: mysql:8.0 # Use the MySQL Docker image
restart: on-failure # Restart the container on failure
- mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql # Mount a volume for persistent MySQL data storage
- MYSQL_USER=ghost # Set the MySQL user
- MYSQL_DATABASE=ghost # Set the MySQL database name
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=portainer # Set the MySQL user's password
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=portainer # Set the MySQL root password

ghost-content: # Define a named volume for Ghost content
mysql-data: # Define a named volume for MySQL data